Eastern Anatolia
The Eastern Anatolia region is one of the 7 geographical areas of Turkey. This name was given to the area in 1941 by the first geography Congress due to its location. It is the region of the country with the least population density and the least population. The fact that the region's face measurement is large is one of the main effects. Eastern Anatolia Region provinces: Ağrı, Bingöl, Bitlis, Elazığ, Erzincan, Erzurum, Hakkari, Kars, Malatya, Muş, Tunceli, Van, Ardahan, and Iğdır. Eastern Anatolia region, one of the seven geographical areas of Turkey; it extends from Mount Ağrı in the east to the long plateau in the west, from the inner borders of the Eastern Black Sea Mountain Range in the north to the Southeastern Taurus Mountains in the south. The region resembling a triangle is the largest geographical region in Turkey, with an area of approximately 163,000 km2. The region occupies 21% of the territory of Turkey. The largest city in terms of population is Van, the largest city in terms of face measurement is Erzurum. The main livelihoods are livestock and agriculture.
Parts Of Eastern Anatolia Region
There are 4 sections of the district. These are; Erzurum - Kars Section, Upper Euphrates Section, upper Murat - Van Section, Hakkari Section.
Erzurum Kars Department covers the provinces of Ardahan, Erzurum, Iğdır, and Kars.
The Upper Euphrates section covers the provinces of Tunceli, Erzincan, Elazığ, Malatya, and Bingöl.
The upper Murat-Van section covers the provinces of Van, Bitlis, Muş, and Ağrı.
Hakkari Department is a department covering Hakkari province alone.
Places To Visit In Eastern Anatolia Region
It is one of the most critical regions of Eastern Turkey. In this direction, Eastern's places to visit are as follows.

Ani Ruins Of Kars
The ancient city of ANİ, located next to the village of Ocakli, hosts many tourists throughout the year.

Akdamar Island
Akdamar Island, which is in the Gevaş District of Van, has become a famous tourist destination thanks to its historical Armenian Church.

Ishak Pasha Palace
Ishak Pasha Palace is a significant Castle located in Ağrı. The Palace, also known by the name of Ishak Paşa Complex, is a Bey Castle with 116 rooms.